Aside from the Jedi training of young Lord Phoenix, my resources of time and energy have been focused on the following "projects" as a human swiss army knife:
1. Relocating to the Bay Area - Matt just got a job there!
2. - online "TV with Soul" network for enlightened entertainment. I've joined Christopher Witecki and his team of volunteers to take their content development, marketing and web presence to the next level. I am so happy to be part of that chosen team.
3. - community and business platform for Yoga teachers and their students to interact and share their yoga styles, studios and experiences. Working with my GTD mentor, Art Santos, has been an awesome education in running virtual teams with utmost efficiency. And I believe that what we're doing, and how we're doing it, is going to affect the ability of everyone who ever wants to teach or practice yoga. Let's make our yoga teachers into the stars they are!
4. - online video resume platform with enhanced video search and a solid legal solution to offer hiring acceleration for recruiters and HR professionals without any EEOC complications. Waiting on another round of funding to resume that project.
5. - new media production company built by contribution, with its own digital economy - to support, sustain and protect Musicians and Artists - giving them the power to showcase, protect and sell their music or artwork - and keep the LION's share of the profits.
6. partnership with - Sci-fi novelist and futurist Alexander Besher is releasing his latest novel The Manga Man via 2d barcode on a limited edition t-shirt, in partnership with open source mobile pioneer Harper. Multi-media available through the barcode includes a reading selection from The Manga Man (which I did), original tracks by electronica composer William Collin Snavely, and more.
There will be a book launch on October 31st at the Mina Dresden Gallery in the Mission District of San Francisco, featuring Butoh dancers, a premiere of the video book trailer, a fashion show of Butoh-inspired dresses by Picky studio, sales of the limited edition "book on a t-shirt" and a demonstration thereof, a raffle giveaway of a Nokia N95 mobile phone, and I'll be reading from the book on Mr. Besher's behalf. Light refreshments will be served.
7. - This company launched to a stunning debut at TechCrunch 50 - where they showcased their platform for marrying philanthropy to social networking and activist leader advocacy.
With over 40+ and growing non-profit organizations, and a host of top activists, athletes, and even celebrities - Causecast's mission is to make donating to, volunteering or promoting your favorite cause as convenient and "shareable" as possible. An amazing company!
8. Virtu Media - Virtu Media is a communications company focused on making the world a better place, one step at a time - and will be the home of the Optimal Mindset 4.0 - Digital Guidance Counselor!
9. and RSVP: Voiceover work, continued - recording their newest IVR system!
My time is rigorously regimented and I attribute the fact that I can do all of this and enjoy my time during the day, with Phoenix, to
a) GTD
b) Unfuddle
c) Basecamp
d) My family, who helps me look after Phoenix
e) My husband, who understands that the only time I can really focus is from 9pm - 2am at night.
f) Espresso
g) Minuteur
h) MindManager
i) yoga
j) time-outs to meditate, pray, and create a context of possibility built on clear intentions for what I want
and above all, my commitment to defy the perceived constraints of TIME.
I'm busy, yes, and too busy to blog . . which will be rectified shortly. I don't have a lot of "extra" time for myself, so I do my best to snatch moments for self-care, whether that's yoga, or a mani/pedi or a massage.
Also, a lot of what I'm doing now is either on a "pay it forward/sweat equity/rev share down the line" basis, but I've always received enough to keep Phoenix in diapers and milk, and more.
Living in grace and blessed with abundance and learning,