Tonight is a new moon.
This is the New Moon for all of us to reclaim our mental space; to set limits on what gets our attention, and to carefully examine how our current diet of information is affecting our lives.
This is the right New Moon to communicate your wishes, dreams and desires to those who can aid your progress. The truth is, no one does it completely alone and learning to ask for help at the right time is one of life's hardest lessons. Over the next two weeks as the Moon waxes to fullness, try to really hear what those around you have to say about your wishes, and take their advice to heart. Honest and clear communication is a two-way street and the best way to achieve a successful outcome for all.
Of course for those of you who make your living in the communications/publishing field, this is the best time to initiate new projects in film, video, TV, publishing, and writing. Deal with your fear and just get the work out there!
One last thing, Gemini rules change. This is the best night to work on managing your fear of change. Everything changes; it is the nature of Maya, the field of relativity. When we ride the changes and make surfing the waves of change a vehicle for success, we actualize the highest expression of Gemini. This is the New Moon to celebrate the power knowledge holds to broaden our perspective and open our minds!
A glut of news, in the context of gratitude:
News from the Incubatrix:
1. According to my doctor's visit today, the Pod will emerge on July 11th. He is already very big, and the doctor wants to induce him a week early.
Thank You for the safe, elegant, healthy labor and delivery of my baby son. Thank you, Little Pod, for choosing me to birth and guide you into the world.
2. I've been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and will being shooting myself up with insulin twice a day start next week, for the remainder of my pregnancy. I now monitor my blood sugar levels 4x/day and follow a diabetic's diet, with much thanks to my college roommate/nutritionist, Sylvie Nalezny.
My decreased ability to produce enough insulin for me and Pod has left him working hard to process all my excess glucose, and as a result, he's gotten bigger faster.
Thank you for modern medicine, and the restabilized health that is already mine. I call upon my cells to recall their state of perfect balance, and adjust and restore optimal health for me and my baby.
3. My liver and kidney tests returned normal results.
Thank you liver. Thank you kidneys. For doing what you do.
4. I was fortunate enough to be thrown THREE baby showers. Everyone wants to party with the Pod! I had a lovely shower/lunch thrown for me by Ms. Jenn at work, another LA-based shower thrown for for me by my lovely almost-10 years as friends favorite RedHead Beth Manning, and a San Francisco-based baby shower thrown for me by my dear friend and professional caterer, Idit Oz. Packages from Amazon never cease, and I've received almost everything on my Baby Registry from loving and supportive friends. It's pretty amazing, and I am so blessed by everyone's generosity. I will have to lay everything we received out in the living room, Price-is-Right showcase style. My deepest thanks to these lovely ladies who took such time, care, effort and thoughtfulness to bring people together to celebrate Pod's emergence.
Thank you Jonathan, Scotty, Courtenay, Trattner, Feaver.
Thank you Ms. Jenn, Xenia, Elina, Melisa, Jen T, Jennifer M, Perrin, Fader, and MT.
Thank you Beth, Michael, Shirley, Mama, Toni, Zandi, Nikki, Tin, Cherry, Danielle, Kuya Marc, Susanna, Charmaine, Art, Cindy, Myke, Peter, Heather, Luz, Liani and Gregory.
Thank you Idit, Sylvie, Meagan, John, Jeremy and Melisa, Chris/Leo, Miri and Matt, Charmaine, Jim and Lori.
Thank you family. Thank you, Podfather. Thank you.
5. I am still Jabba the Hutt. I wish I could have a prenatal massage every day. I have been yearning for a mojito, a nice pinot noir, a new corset, high heel shoes, and now even yearning for foods which I definitely cannot eat on my new diet.
Thank You for the food I have available to me, the little luxuries, and the avail/ability to drink milks whenever my Pod needs it.
6. Still no name for our Baby Pod. He *has* whispered a secret name to me, but I won't share it. I have to see if it matches his face. The photos here are from Pod's 4d-ultrasound.
Thank you for your whispers, Pod.
Tonight with the new moon I will shift my focus, the majority of it - to my health and supporting the health and graceful guidance and labor of the Pod's Emergence.
Tonight with the new moon I allow all wonderful ideas which have been gestating within me to be induced and and birthed by me, in a torrent of flowing creativity.
Tonight I visualize and claim the discovery and securing of the optimal place for our little family to live; the robust health and well-being of my son, my husband, myself and my family; continued progress and delightfully lucrative opportunities to use my skills and talents to support my family; an easy recovery. To all these visions I invest breaths of my own lifeforce and pluck these strings from the infinite quanta. I make space, give thanks, and hold steadfast and unshakeable faith that as I imagine, meditate, pray and invoke, that these things must be so, because I WILL it, I WISH it, I SEE it, IT IS.
I'm so glad to see that everything is being taken care of w/ you and Pod.
I can't wait to hear about your discoveries as a mother when Pod is outside of the womb!
Posted by: Barbara | June 22, 2007 at 07:36 AM
I'm so glad to see that everything is being taken care of w/ you and Pod.
I can't wait to hear about your discoveries as a mother when Pod is outside of the womb!
Posted by: Barbara | June 22, 2007 at 07:36 AM