I love this guy. Hilarious ko'an-ish poetic meditations. Many thanks to Trattner, who introduced me to Advaita 2 years ago.
From Ram Tzu (aka Wayne Liquorman)'s book No Way For the Spiritually "Advanced":
Ram Tzu knows this. . .
You have tasted ecstasy
Drunk deeply of its nectar.
So you embrace it
Or reject it.
What does it matter?
Addict or ascetic
You are caught in the web
Of your own ego.
The harder you struggle
The more surely you call the spider.
* * * * *
Ram Tzu knows this. . .
The fear never leaves you.
It is part of you
As tied to your center as your breath.
Touch it,
Stroke it
Get to know it well.
As long as you are
It will be with you.
You scream
You shout
You rage
You want quit of it.
You push it away with all your strength.
But hear this. . .
It thrives on all the exercise
You give it.
It gets stronger when
You give it something to push up against.
Left alone it will wither and die.
But you know you can not leave it alone.
You must always fight the fear.
It is your nature to always fight.
Yet sometimes there is Grace . . .
You disappear into it
And there is no longer a battle.
The warrior is gone.
* * * * *
Ram Tzu knows this. . .
The more you pursue it
The further away it goes
The harder you struggle
The deeper you sink.
Only a drunk can
Truly be sober.
Only a whore can
Truly be chaste.
Life is no place
for idle speculation.
No one has ever learned
From the mistakes of others.
A lie cloaked in truth
Is still a lie.
If it makes sense to you
You're in real trouble.
You always look for God
In high places. . .
Guess again.
Ram Tzu is not your friend
If you find him
Kill him.
* * * * *
Ram Tzu = Wayne Liquorman
Advaita ( concept of non-duality )
"All there is. . . is consciousness."