New Moon, Full Moon, The Power of Intention, The Secret of the Law of Attraction, the Intention-Manifestation Model - everyone's on the "manifestation" train.
Do I believe in it? Yes.
Does it work for me? Yes.
Do I really have evidence? Yes.
Is there only one way to do it? No, and Yes.
There's no one ritual to manifesting your reality - the basic tricks are clarifying, visualizing and intending what you want to happen; and of course, making sure you have the space, lack of subconscious resistance/vibekillers/dissonance, to allow you to receive. And patience, lots of patience. Repetition and uninterrupted focus on your desired intent. The integrity and alignment of your intentions, thoughts, words and actions. The basic recipe.
When people pray for things they want, they pray all the time, probably twice a day, to reinforce their intentions. They ask God to remove and even reveal any of the obstacles to receiving/deserving that intention. The conviction to change habits or attitudes to find congruence with deserving/receiving their desires is the same as the motivation anyone feels as a spur to self-improvement.
One of the principle tenets of NeuroLinguistic Programming is that YOU ARE 100% SUCCESSFUL, already, in manifesting what you have in your life right now. No matter where you are, or what you have, you are already running a successful strategy - for having what you have. Same lesson in the Law of Attraction - what you've got, where you are - you attracted it to yourself - in what/how you think, and what you've been focusing on.
Strategy is made up of beliefs, it's made up of habits, actions, choices, values - and all of those things put together, repeated and enacted ad nauseum, is a thought/action loop that creates your current reality every single day.
Congratulations to everyone on their successful strategies. For example, when someone has a complaint about not going to the gym regularly - congratulations! You are 100% successful in not going to the gym. That person probably has a strategy for that - thinking about the gym, feeling tired, imagining how exhausting it would be to gather up their gym bag, put on their gym shoes and clothes, drive to the gym, blah blah blah. And if they think this, each time they think about going to the gym, they're probably not going to go. Success! The strategy to avoid the gym worked.
Want a different result? Change your strategy. Think about how you would achieve what you want to happen, rather than burning energy and motivation visualizing and thinking about what you don't want to happen. Quit shooting yourself in the foot.
Change your strategy. Change your mindset. Change your thought patterns and you will likely get a different result. Commit to a new strategy. Be Bold and confident that your new strategy and intention WILL manifest. The Universe will do all it can to embrace your intention, but of course, it must begin with your own mindset.
"What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it; boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
"Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid." - Goethe
To me, this is the essence to making the Intention-Manifestation Model/Law of Attraction work for you in most efficient way.
If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right.
- attributed to Henry Ford, also Mary Kay Ashe